Following a hot tip, I thought I should wander around Heritage Marsh located in Eastern Sherwood Park.Rain threatened and sometimes drizzled but it was a very nice day to be out wandering around in Mother Nature's wonders. The marsh is a series of flood-water lakes that help to hold run-off water providing beautiful and varied waterfowl habitat. I did see a rare, for me, American Bittern, but by the time I saw and identified it, it was flying too far away for a photo.Also spotted was a Sora but could not get a photo through wind-blown cattails.
Brewers Blackbird |
I did manage a few good Red-winged Blackbirds as well as a Brewers Blackbird all nesting in the tangled cattails.
Female Red-winged Blackbird |
Male Red-winged Blackbird |
A pleasant surprise were Cedar Waxwings that were nice enough to pose for me fairly close in decent light.
Cedar Waxwing |
The best sighting of the day was an American Coot family that I managed to get a few shots of through swaying reeds, willows and cattails. Talk about cute-ugly babies striving for attention with their wild and colorful hairdos.
Baby American Coot |
American Coot Feeding Baby |
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